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A medical speciality called paediatrics focuses on the health and wellbeing of infants, kids, and teenagers. Paediatricians are specialised medical professionals that offer complete medical treatment to children while attending to their particular physical, emotional, and developmental needs. Paediatricians are qualified to identify, manage, and treat a wide range of illnesses that affect kids. They keep an eye on children’s growth and development, give them preventive treatment, and deal with their particular acute and chronic ailments. Paediatrics’ important facets include:

Provided Services

Pediatricians work collaboratively with other healthcare professionals, including pediatric subspecialists, nurses, psychologists, and social workers, to provide comprehensive care to children. They emphasize preventive care, early detection of health issues, and promoting healthy lifestyles to support optimal growth and development.

24*7 Emergency

Make an appointment for emergency ?

We work round the clock and accepts the patients 24/7 x 365 days. It is staffed at all times by our professionals. You make an appointment at any time at Remedy Hospital in an emergency

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